Wednesday 16 October 2013

La educación prohibida

                We liked the film, we are agree with the most of the things and ideas. 
             Although we aren´t totally agree with some of them. 

             The things that really attracted our attention are these ones:
  • If you aren´t happy teaching, you can´t educate.
  • The students only haven´t receive the information, they also      have to be a source of information.
  • With the education we have to get out the best of the students.
  • The task of education is very complex, so one person only can´t do, it must be done in groups.
  • The protagonists of education are the parents so, the parents and school have to work together.

       We aren´t agree with the idea of “the children don´t have been motivate saying that one thing will go right or wrong, the children know if something will go right or wrong”. We think that many times the children aren´t confident and we have to help to achieve that confidence.

         Finally, we think that all these ideas are very interesting but the most important thing is to put these ideas in practice.

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