Monday, 28 October 2013

Objectives for our project

We want to do:

-         Learning English has to be a pleasure, not an obligation.
-         Following children interests, we have to base on their interests.
-         Personalized learning.
-         Teach them about the British culture: typical music, food, customs…
-         Relate the teacher with English language, indoor and outdoor the classes, it will be easier to speak in English.
-         The teacher has to make motivation and excitement happened.

Apart from these aspects we have to add some more objectives after listened our classmates ideas, such as:

-         The ideal teacher of our project has to be flexible, active (learn things doing), patient, researching, she/he has to collaborate with other teachers and she/he has to respect children’s precious knowledge.
-         It is interesting to do some rituals to start and finish the class, for example, singing, dancing…
-         It is a good idea to integrate different areas in English classes: art, music, sports… and we liked the idea of doing workshops.
-         It is essential also working in groups.

We don´t want to do:

-         Put pressure on learning in a uniform way, demand more than each one knows.
-         Do exams to mark them.
-         Be afraid of the language.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

To make english learning hapenned (questions)

  • Is it interesting or harmful a bilingual project or a subject in English?
  • Is it a good idea going abroad to learn English?
  • What could we do if we had different levels of English in class?
  • How could  we divide our classes? Taking to account their age or they English habilities?
  • Which would be the criteria to mark them? According to their English level or their effort?
  • Should we obligate them to speak in English in class?
  • How could we organize the class? Sitting in circle, in groups, individually...?

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Learning a language

             Hi friends! Firstly you have our pictures about learning a language and secondly the list about good and bad things when we are studying a languages. 

Good things
  • Practising with other people.
  • Listening to music and TV.
  • Singing songs.
  • Reading books with pictures.
  • Having a teacher who motivates us to learn.
  • Going abroad (country where people speak the language we are studying).

Bad things
  • Practising only grammar.
  • Being obligated to do more than you know.
  • Only studying to pass the exam, is better studying also to use it.
  • Studying a language in big groups.
  • Learning only with books.

La educación prohibida

                We liked the film, we are agree with the most of the things and ideas. 
             Although we aren´t totally agree with some of them. 

             The things that really attracted our attention are these ones:
  • If you aren´t happy teaching, you can´t educate.
  • The students only haven´t receive the information, they also      have to be a source of information.
  • With the education we have to get out the best of the students.
  • The task of education is very complex, so one person only can´t do, it must be done in groups.
  • The protagonists of education are the parents so, the parents and school have to work together.

       We aren´t agree with the idea of “the children don´t have been motivate saying that one thing will go right or wrong, the children know if something will go right or wrong”. We think that many times the children aren´t confident and we have to help to achieve that confidence.

         Finally, we think that all these ideas are very interesting but the most important thing is to put these ideas in practice.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

On October 9th



Today in Hizkuntzaren Didaktika class the professor has proposed to do two different proposals.
The first one has the aim of  breaking the ice by doing something special such as singing, dancing, telling news and so on.
The second one is based on writing a diary of each activity from those that we are doing in class. As I am the person in charge of this issue, I will introduce you my point of view of  “La educación prohibida” documentary.

It is a criticism of an educative system. Something that attracted my attention was the meaning of the word to educate that comes from the latin (educere "sacar, extraer" o educare "formar, instruir").

But specially what was really interesting to me was the sentence "Ser profesor es estar con la naturaleza en estado puro".

Finally, I would like to remark the emotive intervention of a man who said that the most imporant thing of being a teacher is the love that you can give to the children to teach them the way to love. 

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Hi friends! We are Esti, Maddi, Maialen and Oihane and we hope you will like our new blog.

See you soon!